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Many sinus sufferers have tried antibiotics to relieve them of their misery, only to find out that the sinus infections become chronic and antibiotics may not be a lasting solution to the problem.
Frederick Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers prefers a different approach, with a relatively new, minimally invasive inpatient procedure that provides permanent relief in most patients.
Medication is excellent at suppressing allergy symptoms, but it won’t get to the root of the problem. The best way to get to your allergies’ core cause is to be tested and treated by an ear, nose and throat professional. At Frederick Breathe Free, the staff provides comprehensive allergy testing to diagnose your unique allergy profile.
“Early intervention is key, because you can avoid the recurrent antibiotics that are developing bacterial resistance,” Dr. Jamie Oberman of Frederick Breathe Free said. “So when you really need an antibiotic, for a serious infection, it might not work anymore.”
If polyps are causing your sinus problems, you could lose your sense of smell permanently if the condition is left untreated.
“People who lose their sense of smell (also) lose their sense of taste,” Oberman said.
Addressing sinus problems can reduce the amount of time that patients have to miss work or school.
“If you addressed them earlier, you'd be thriving and living, not suffering,” said Oberman, a graduate of Boston College and Tufts University School of Medicine, who was named the U.S. Navy's Undersea Medical Officer-of-the-Year in 1999.
Among the procedures offered by Frederick Breathe Free are balloon sinuplasty, which uses a tiny balloon to open blocked sinus passages and the VivAer and RhinAer procedures, which use radio-frequency technology. The center also offers immunotherapy allergy drops that can permanently suppress allergy symptoms.
You can take a free online quiz to see if a visit to the doctor might be able to able to help.
Frederick Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers is committed to providing the best sinus and allergy relief in Frederick and surrounding areas, using the most advanced, proven patient-friendly techniques available. With 29 million Americans suffering from sinusitis and 242,000 annual chronic sinusitis ER visits, our mission is to provide minimally invasive options for needed long-lasting relief so that patients can get back to living. We call this mission Breathe Free and Live Well, and it is the North Star that guides us in each unique collaborative patient interaction. To learn more about Frederick Breathe Free Sinus and Allergy Center, please visit our website.